Therapist: Melinda Spohn, PhD

New Strategy Counseling, LLC offers mental health counseling through Spring Health, an EAP provider. There are a variety of counseling approaches, but not every approach will meet your needs. For those who prefer a traditional track, you may benefit from conventional Cognitive-Behavioral (CBT), Dialectic Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, as well as the nuances from Evolutionary Psychology.

Today, many non-traditional therapies are available to people who wish to explore different theoretical approaches such as Art Therapy, Dream-Work, Meditation, Music Therapy, Aromatherapy, Animal therapy, and Yoga/Meditation. If you prefer a non-traditional approach, you may be interested in Analytic or Depth Psychology, based on the psychology of renowned psychologist Carl Jung.

Dr. Spohn is available as a guest lecturer on a variety of topics related to therapy, and depth psychology.


Melinda Spohn, Ph.D., LMHC, MHP holds a doctorate from Gonzaga University. Her doctoral dissertation explored Evolutionary Psychology. She holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Eastern Washington University and holds certifications in Gerontology and School Psychology. She has 22 years of experience as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor.